
10 June 2022

TİKA Introduced “Paper Marbling,” the Traditional Turkish Paper Art, to the People of Tajikistan

The Paper Marbling course organized in Tajikistan by Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), the Ministry of Culture of Tajikistan, and the State Institute of Fine Arts and Design of Tajikistan within the scope of the Art Education Program (SEP) in order to support the cultural exchange between the two countries has been completed.

A total of 75 trainees, including the instructors and students of the State Institute of Fine Arts and Design of Tajikistan, public officials, and prison staff, participated in the course. At the closing ceremony of the course, an exhibition featuring the works of the trainees was opened.

Great interest in the closing ceremony

The ceremony was attended by Manuchehr Sharifzoda, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan; Jamshed Ganizoda, Rector of the State Institute of Fine Arts and Design of Tajikistan; İbrahim Erbir, TİKA’s Coordinator in Dushanbe; Ozan Sevimli, World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan; Sezin Sinanoğlu, the UN Resident Coordinator for Tajikistan; Victor Olsavszky, Head of WHO Country Office; Abdukhalil Gafurzoda, Rector of the Academy of Public Administration of Tajikistan; Shahriyor Sadullozoda, Vice Rector of Tajik Technical University; Batuhan Celebi, Deputy Head of Mission at the Turkish Embassy in Dushanbe; and trainees.

Demand for the inclusion of paper marbling in the curriculum

Manuchehr Sharifzoda, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan, referred to the similarities between the cultures of the two countries and stated that such artistic activities are the key indicators of the ties between the two countries. Jamshed Ganizoda, Rector of the State Institute of Fine Arts and Design of Tajikistan, noted that the course was successfully completed thanks to TİKA’s support, and asked for support for the inclusion of paper marbling in the curriculum of the institute in the next semester. İbrahim Erbir, TİKA’s Coordinator in Dushanbe, thanked the administration of the institute, the trainees, and the art lovers who attended the exhibition, and said that they would continue to support such activities.

Paper marbling courses will be organized in prisons

During the exhibition, Paper Marbling Artist Nuran Öner offered the art lovers who were visiting the exhibition an unforgettable experience with her live paper marbling performance. Furthermore, a live paper marbling show was held for students at the Dushanbe office of the Turkish and Foreign Language Teaching Research and Application Center (TOMER). At the end of the exhibition, certificates were presented to the art lovers who successfully completed the paper marbling course.

Paper marbling courses will soon be organized in prisons with TİKA’s support for rehabilitation purposes.

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