
25 April 2022

TİKA Delivered Ramadan Food Parcels to 2,000 Families in North Macedonia

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) distributed food parcels to 2000 families in need in cooperation with the Union of Turkish Non-Governmental Organizations in Macedonia (MATÜSİTEB) as part of its activities for Ramadan 2022.

As part of its Ramadan activities, TİKA distributed 1000 food parcels containing staples to be delivered to areas heavily populated by Turkic people in many city centers and rural areas of North Macedonia, including Skopje, Plasnica, Kičevo, Centar Župa, Gostivar, Mavrovo and Rostuša, Dojran, Strumica, Vasilevo Pehčevo, Štip, and Čaška. In addition, 1000 food parcels were distributed to those in need across the country, especially in Tetovo and Lipkovo. In total, 2000 food parcels were delivered to those in need.

The parcels, which contain staples and were distributed across the country in cooperation with the Union of Turkish Non-Governmental Organizations in Macedonia (MATÜSİTEB), an umbrella organization of more than 60 Turkish associations operating in North Macedonia, are gifts from Türkiye to Turkic people living in different regions across the country, and they deliver greetings from their homeland.

In his speech at the delivery ceremony, Halim Ömer Söğüt, TİKA’s Program Coordinator in Skopje, said, “TİKA operates in 150 countries through 62 Program Coordination Offices located in 60 countries. Türkiye supports friendly, sister, and related communities with the projects it implements through TİKA. TİKA’s Program Coordination Office in Skopje has been active in North Macedonia since 2005 and implements projects in many fields such as improving the conditions for education and health services, supporting rural development, strengthening the administrative and civil infrastructure, and preserving the cultural heritage. Furthermore, we develop social projects and activities to contribute to the economic well-being of families. We provided food aid to Turkic people and all groups in need in North Macedonia on the occasion of Ramadan this year, as in previous years. We are happy to make our country’s financial and moral support felt and deliver greetings from our country by sharing the abundance of Ramadan with families in need.”

In his speech, Hüsrev Emin, Chairman of MATÜSİTEB, stated that the support provided for low-income families and students with the food parcels distributed in North Macedonia on the occasion of Ramadan played a major role in fostering solidarity in our society. Emin added that such activities are of great importance to strengthen the ties between Anatolia and Rumelia and to make Turkic groups and related communities feel that we are there for them. Emin expressed his gratitude to TİKA, which operates in many fields in North Macedonia such as education, health, the preservation of the cultural heritage, and support for NGOs, for its continued support in social fields.

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