10 May 2022TİKA Continues to Support Education in South Sudan
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) supplied Kapuri Primary School in the countryside of the capital Juba with educational materials.
South Sudan, an African country lacks educational materials. The number of students in the Kapuri Primary School in the countryside of the capital Juba has increased because of the families that have been displaced by ongoing conflicts. As a result, there are not enough desks and 4 and 5 students have started to share the same desk at Kapuri.
TİKA provided 90 desks to meet the Kapuri students’ needs and created a playground and a volleyball court as well. Besides, it established a facility to meet the water needs of the displaced families. The water well inside the campus was moved outside and a drinking fountain was opened. Thus, displaced families can now meet their water needs without having to walk into the campus.
UN South Sudan Mission Rwanda Union Representative Lt. Col. Emmanuel Shyaka, Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye in Juba, Erdem Mutaf, TİKA Juba Coordinator Cafer T. Beşli, Turkish Maarif Foundation Ethiopia Representative Levent Şahin and South Sudan Central Equatorial Minister of Education and Learning, Crisio Zachariah Lado Pefo participated in the opening.
Cafer T. Beşli gave a speech and said TİKA attached great importance to education in South Sudan and the project at Kapuri is one of the many projects of this kind. He explained that the same school building was renovated by TİKA last year and access to water was guaranteed. Beşli indicated that with this year’s project TİKA provided 90 desks and created a playground and volleyball court. Besides, the water well on the campus was moved outside and a drinking fountain was opened outside the campus.
Erdem Mutaf said that they attach special importance to education. He added that before the opening, they had a meeting with the Minister of Education and Learning Lado Pefo about the allocation of space for the Maarif Foundation. Mutaf said he already came to Kapuri Primary School twice and he will visit the school again for the opening of the pre-school education building, which has been undertaken by Turkish private sector.
The Minister of Education and Learning of Central Ecuador, Pefo said that they would support TİKA and Türkiye because they have seen their support at Kapuri and other schools. He added that this should be encouraged. Pefo thanked TİKA and Türkiye for their support.
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