
05 January 2023

A “Mobile Clinic” Donated for Flood-Affected Pakistanis

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) implemented the “Mobile Clinic” project, which will serve flood-affected areas in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, floods caused by heavy rains after June killed many people and damaged properties, including more than 880 health centers. A fully-equipped mobile clinic was donated by TİKA and Muslim Hands, an aid agency, to contribute to the continuity of health services and eliminate disruptions in flood-affected areas and combat outbreaks.

The opening ceremony of the project was attended by Prof. Mehmet Paçacı, the Republic of Türkiye’s Ambassador to Islamabad; Muhsin Balcı, TİKA’s Coordinator in Islamabad; Javid Gillani, Executive Director of Muslim Hands; representatives of institutions in Türkiye and Pakistan; and many other guests. In his speech at the ceremony, Ambassador Paçacı noted that Pakistan and Türkiye have close relations in every field, and that the Turkish people were there for the people of Pakistan with the aid campaigns they launched after the floods in Pakistan.

The mobile clinic will be operated by Muslim Hands and will perform mobile health screenings, especially in Sindh and Balochistan, two provinces affected by the floods. The project, which included the donation of various medications and medical equipment, will provide health services in hard-to-reach areas.

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