27 November 2023A Collective Opening Ceremony Held for TİKA’s Projects in Nepal
Dr. Ümit Naci Yorulmaz, Vice President of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), inaugurated the projects completed by TİKA in Nepal.
TİKA’s delegation, led by Dr. Ümit Naci Yorulmaz, Vice President of TİKA, along with Imtiyaz Alam, Deputy Mayor of Birgunj, attended the delivery ceremony of the school bus provided by TİKA for Suffah Ideal Academy in Nepal.
Students will now be able to reach school safely with the bus provided for the school in Birgunj, a city in the south of Nepal where transportation facilities are limited.
Following the delivery ceremony of the school bus, the landscaping of the school, whose physical conditions were previously improved and the necessary equipment provided by TİKA, was unveiled.
Vice President Yorulmaz also attended the opening ceremony of the library renovation project completed within the scope of improving the physical conditions of the Islamic Library in Jeetpursimara City, situated in the south of Nepal.
Meeting with Nepal Human Development Foundation
TİKA’s delegation, led by Dr. Vice President of TİKA, met with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) during his visit to Nepal. Yorulmaz had discussions with the officials of Human Development Nepal, a non-governmental organization operating in education and socio-cultural fields in Nepal, and received a briefing about the activities of the NGO. Ongoing joint projects were evaluated, and future cooperation opportunities were discussed.
Foundation official Arman Haşimi said, “You have been here since 2009, and we are very pleased that you have been providing support to us. We got to know Türkiye better with the visit of all of you here. We are working, especially in the field of education, and encouraging young people in our community to pursue higher education. Since 2013, we have dispatched more than 100 students to Türkiye, and thanks to the training, we now have Turkish-speaking students in Nepal."
In Nepal, with a population of approximately 30 million, Muslims make up four percent of the population. In the country where education is not compulsory, children from families living mainly in rural areas start working at an early age. Particularly, the participation of minority communities in formal education is at low levels.
Meeting with Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh Association
As part of the official visit to Nepal, Dr. Ümit Naci Yorulmaz, Vice President of TİKA, and the accompanying delegation met with Prof. Dr. Chet Raj Pant, Chairperson of Netra Jyoti Sangh Association, and the officials of the association, which plays a crucial role in the field of health in Nepal and carries out a wide range of activities, particularly in eye health. During the meeting, evaluations were made about the project implemented jointly with TİKA, which is planned to provide eye screening to 3,000 people with eye diseases and eye surgery to 300 people with cataracts. With this project, eye camps will be organized in rural areas to provide free eye care services to patients with limited transportation facilities.
Visit to the State Pharmaceutical Factory of Nepal
TİKA’s delegation, led by Dr. Vice President of TİKA, and the accompanying TİKA delegation visited the Nepal Government Enterprise Aushadhi Limited, which was established in 1972 to fulfill the country's pharmaceutical needs, and received a briefing about the project aimed at supporting the factory. In Nepal, where the prices of medicines have increased tenfold due to the halt in production at the factory, the government is working to ensure pharmaceutical self-sufficiency and reduce dependence on the decisions of private companies.
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