
27 December 2018

TİKA's Projects in Venezuela

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) opened the projects completed in the fields of health, education, and culture in Venezuela.

Three projects completed in the capital Caracas were opened with the participation of TİKA's East and South Asia, Pacific and Latin America Department Head, Rahman Nurdun, Turkey's ambassador to Caracas, Şevki Mütevellioğlu, and TİKA officials.

Receiving information about the projects, Ambassador Mütevellioğlu said these important steps taken in the fields of maternal and infant health, education, and culture will further strengthen the relationships between Turkey and Venezuela.

Support for neonatal units

TİKA supported the efficient functioning of the neonatal intensive care unit in Materno Infatil Comandante Supremo Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias Maternity and Child Health Hospital with 5 incubators, 2 radiant heated beds, and 2 phototherapy units.

Besides, the neonatal unit was repaired. Medical equipment was provided in the hospital, which can start neonatal intensive care specialization training with the support of TİKA.

In addition, 12 women settled in Cucuta, one of the cities most affected by the cross-border population movements from Venezuela to Colombia, were provided with textile equipment to start their own business.

Arte Fuego Workshop Art School Renovation

Having completed the environmental planning and landscaping of the Arte Fuego Workshop Art School, TİKA enabled social and cultural activities to continue in the school. Thanks to the renovation and landscaping, art courses that could not be opened due to physical inadequacies in the school also started again.

On the outer wall of the school, the portrait of the founder, Candido Millan, and one of his most famous art pieces, “peace tree”, as well as Cappadocia and “Tortoise Trainer” paintings were made.

Palestinian Center

With the cooperation of the Palestinian International Cooperation Agency, TİKA has also renovated the Palestinian Center, which is part of the Confederation of Palestinian Communities of Latin America and the Caribbean, representing 700 thousand people in South America and the Caribbean. The center's hall was renewed in order to consolidate the Turkish-Palestinian friendship and allow the two countries to organize joint cultural and social events.

A library was also set up including books brought from Turkey in the hall, whose walls were painted with the Palestinian cartoonist Naci al-Ali's cartoon character "Hanzala" holding the Turkish and Palestinian flags.

TİKA's projects in Latin America

Between the years of 2008-2018, TİKA carried out a total of 172 projects and activities in South America, mainly in the fields of education, health, agriculture, and infrastructure.

The agency opened its first office in 2014 in Mexico and the second in 2015 in the capital of Colombia, Bogota, in order to accelerate its activities in the region.

After the "Latin America and the Caribbean Action Plan" that was put into practice in Turkey in 1998 and updated in 2006, the year of 2006 was declared as "The Year of Latin America and the Caribbean".

With the development cooperation and humanitarian aid carried out by TİKA which contributes to Turkey's foreign policy vision in different areas, solidarity is aimed to be established with the countries of the region.

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