27 July 2021TİKA Performed Free Health Screenings in Sudan in Memory of the Martyrs of July 15
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) provided free health screenings for 1200 people in Sudan in memory of the martyrs of July 15.
Health screenings have been performed in the fields of ophthalmology, dermatology, internal medicine, gynecology, and obstetrics in Khilaila, Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, in cooperation with Sudan-Turkey Medical Assistance Association with the participation of two physicians from Sudan-Turkey Training and Research Hospital in Nyala. In addition, 200 children have been circumcised as part of the event.
– The “Victory of Democracy” Photography Exhibition at the International University of Africa
TİKA also held the photography exhibition titled “July 15 – Victory of Democracy,” featuring the photographs taken by Anadolu Agency (AA), in the Faculty of Medicine at the International University of Africa, where students from 86 countries around the world study. The photography exhibition held by TİKA’s Khartoum Coordination Office covered the coup attempt plotted by the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) on July 15, 2016. Visitors also wrote their feelings in TİKA’s July 15 guest book.
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TİKA Renovated the Library Named After Murat Ellik, a Martyr of July 15, in Kenya
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