
14 April 2022

TİKA Organizes an Iftar Program for Children with Cancer in Sudan

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) organized an iftar program for children with cancer in Sudan.

The program was organized at the center named “There Is Hope in Us,” where children with cancer reside during their treatment, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, with the support of We Are All Worth Association. The program was attended by İrfan Neziroğlu, Türkiye’s Ambassador to Khartoum; Bilal Özden, TİKA’s Coordinator in Khartoum; and Abdullah Şen, Counselor for Religious Affairs at the Turkish Embassy. The iftar dinner held for children with cancer was followed by the presentation of gifts to children and different games played with them.

In his speech after the program, Ambassador Neziroğlu said, “In Sudan, there has been a significant increase in our humanitarian aid activities, such as distribution of food aid, iftar dinners, and drilling of water wells, since the beginning of Ramadan.” Neziroğlu stated that they broke their fast with children with cancer. He said, “35 Sudanese children who are being treated for cancer reside in this center. We have visited the center before, and we support it occasionally. Today, we held this iftar dinner, presented gifts, and tried to make children happy and distract them from their struggle with the disease even a little, with the support of TİKA. We will continue to organize such events during the entire month of Ramadan.”

Bilal Özden, TİKA’s Coordinator in Khartoum, stated that TİKA distributed food aid and held iftar dinners during Ramadan and that this time, they considered it appropriate to hold an iftar dinner in the dormitory where children with cancer and their families reside.

Alemeddin Adem İdris, a volunteer of We Are All Worth Association, underlined that cancer treatment takes a long time, and thanked TİKA for the program.

As part of the program, 50 Ramadan parcels were delivered to the management of the dormitory, where children who are being treated for cancer reside with their families.

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