
21 September 2020

TİKA Has Implemented 40 Projects in Mongolia in 6 Months

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) has supported the development of Mongolia with 40 projects it has implemented this year in many different fields from education to health, from agriculture and animal husbandry to the development of administrative and civil infrastructure.

Continuing its support for Mongolia in developing the agricultural sector, increasing employment, and improving food safety, TİKA built a winter greenhouse to support Khotons, a Muslim Turkish community living in the district of Tarialan in Uvs Province, located approximately 1,650 km from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.

Thus, Khotons, who could only grow vegetables for one season due to the climatic conditions, will now be able to grow fresh and healthy vegetables all year round.

A 250-ton underground vegetable warehouse was built

In Khentii Province in Mongolia, TİKA supported the Khentii Vegetable Growers Cooperative by building a 250-ton underground vegetable warehouse with a ventilation and air-conditioning system, in order to help vegetable growers to store vegetables in a healthy way for a long time. It is aimed to increase the market share of the products the shelf lives of which were extended thanks to this warehouse.

In the province, agricultural activities are carried out on nearly 90,000 hectares of land. 5,300 tons of vegetables such as potatoes, onions, zucchini, carrots, radishes, and turnips are grown annually on an average of 450 hectares of land.

TİKA supports forage plant cultivation

The increase of 2.74 degrees in air temperature in Mongolia due to global warming led to a number of problems in summer such as drought and lack of forage and created difficulties for the country’s economic infrastructure and animal owners.

As part of the project launched in 2017 with the aim of sharing Turkey’s experience in animal husbandry with Mongolia, cultivation areas of a total of 10 hectares were created with the local alfalfa seeds and equipment provided by Turkey.

As part of the project implemented in the districts of Altanbulag and Bornuur in Töv Province through two methods, namely irrigated and dry farming, 10 hectares of trial area was fenced, and an irrigation system, a motor-pump, a feed press machine, a backpack sprayer, and laboratory equipment to be used in scientific studies were provided to the School of Animal Science and Biotechnology at the Mongolian University of Life Sciences.

TİKA supports Mongolia’s fight against COVID-19

TİKA distributed 1000 aid parcels containing food and hygiene products to those in need in Mongolia to combat the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

In addition, 500 face masks were produced for the staff of the Mongolia Central Military Hospital with the 3D printers and materials provided by TİKA. The masks were delivered to Colonel Batbold Sukhbaatar, Chief Physician of the Mongolia Central Military Hospital, to be distributed to healthcare providers and people in quarantine in the 570-bed military hospital, which operates under Mongolia’s Ministry of Defense.

Upon the request for masks to be used by the hospital staff, mask production began in the Cutting and Sewing Workshop, which was built by TİKA for Khotons. A total of 15,000 surgical masks were distributed to healthcare providers.

TİKA supported access to clean water in Mongolia

In order to enable people and animals living in rural areas to access water, 4 water wells were drilled in the districts of Bayanbulag, Bayan-Ovoo, Galuut, and Buutsagaan, which are located nearly 1000 km from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.

In these districts, which have been greatly affected by the increasing effects of global warming in recent years; especially water scarcity had a negative impact on the lives of local people, whose livelihood depends on traditional nomadic animal husbandry.

A clean water tank was built in Mongolia

TİKA built a modern drinking water tank to provide clean drinking water to the residents of the city of Darkhan in Mongolia.

40,000 people live in tent neighborhoods in this city, which is the second-largest settlement after Ulaanbaatar, and has a population of approximately 100,000.

As part of the project launched to provide local people with easier access to clean water, a 5-ton drinking water tank with a modern electronic water-level measurement system and another drinking water tank with a card reader were built to provide uninterrupted water supply to local people.

TİKA has drilled a total of 11 water wells in 10 different districts in Mongolia since 2018.

TİKA supports vocational education in Mongolia

The Welding Department of the Nalaikh Vocational Training and Production Center, affiliated with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia, was equipped with materials and devices meeting international standards and put into service with the help of TİKA.

Although the welding department of the center was the most popular vocational department, the department’s activities were disrupted since the training materials and equipment used could not perform their functions anymore.

With the project implemented by TİKA, the welding department was renovated, equipped with modern materials and devices, and put into service again. It is aimed to contribute to reducing unemployment and increasing employment in Mongolia thanks to the department that will provide welding training to 60 students each year.

Support for emergency and disaster management in Mongolia

TİKA built a Disaster and Emergency Training Class in the 23rd Emergency and Disaster Management Unit, located in Dornogovi Province in Mongolia.

Applied training materials and equipment, especially emergency kits and medical devices, were also provided as part of the project.

Support for education in Mongolia

TİKA renovated the foreign language classroom at Children’s Palace, which is considered one of the longest-established educational institutions in Mongolia.

4,000 children study art, painting, creativity, drama, theater, dance, and foreign language in the institution, which has had 135,000 graduates so far.

In addition, TİKA renovated the music class of the Yesönzüil District Public School in Övörkhangai Province and provided the school with various musical instruments such as guitar, flute, horsehead fiddle, and ukulele.

400 students will directly benefit from the project in the school, which has been providing general education to local children since 1969.

Thus, TİKA has continued to support the development of Mongolia by implementing 40 projects in the last 6 months, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. 

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