
14 September 2015

TIKA has a big place in our relations with Turkey

President of Macedonia Gyorge Ivanov evaluated Turkey-Macedonia relations and developments in Macedonia and in the world. 

Mr. Ivanov explaining that relations between Turkey and Macedonia have increasingly improved after independence of Macedonia said: “Turkey is one of the first countries that recognize us, extablish diplomatic relations and help us when we encounter any problem”.
Mr. Ivanov stating that Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) has a big place in the development of relations between two countries said: “TIKA helps not only Turkish community in Macedonia, but also people from other communities.
Mr. Ivanov stating TIKA Projects work in line with demand of communities in Macedonia emphasized TIKA has a big contribution to develop the relations between two countries. 
Mr. Ivanov explaining he has an affably relation with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan since then his Prime Ministry emphasized he also have similar friendly relations built on mutual trust with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Heads of Grand National Assembly of Turkey and ministries. 


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