
16 August 2023

TİKA Establishes Poultry Farming Facility in Tajikistan

Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) opened the poultry farming facility established in Romit Rehabilitation Center of the Agency for Social Insurance and Pensions of the Ministry of Health and Social Security of Tajikistan.

All the equipment and materials needed for the establishment of the facility with a capacity for 3 thousand chickens at the rehabilitation center with this project were provided by TİKA. As a part of the project, a 2-ton cold storage was installed and 15 tons of feed was provided to the facility.  

The project aims to ensure quality and sustainable food for elderly and disabled persons who benefit from the center and to provide healthy and safe chicken suitable for the diet of elderly and disabled persons. Other centers of the agency will also benefit from the chickens raised in the facility established at Romit Rehabilitation Center.

The Agency for Social Insurance and Pensions of the Ministry of Health and Social Security of the Republic of Tajikistan is a public institution which serves people who are elderly, have disabilities, have no family, or are in need, in various fields, including accommodation. The Agency maintains its activities in 11 centers through nursing homes, centers for the mentally handicapped, and rehabilitation centers in different regions of the country. These centers serve over 2 thousand elderly and disabled persons.

Camoliddin Abdullozoda, the Minister of Health and Social Security of Tajikistan; Hakimcon Holzoda, the Director of the Agency for Social Insurance and Pensions of Tajikistan; İbrahim Erbir, TİKA’s Coordinator; and representatives from relevant institutions attended the opening ceremony of the poultry farming facility.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Minister of Health, Abdullozoda indicated that this is an exemplary project, the social contribution of which is crucial, and thanked TİKA. Highlighting the importance of having rehabilitation centers, especially for elderly and disabled persons and veterans, in the country that have the facilities available for a healthy and sustainable food supply, Abdullozoda stated that the project is a very valuable step in this regard.

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