
22 November 2021

TİKA Continues to Enable Turkey to Share Its Experience in Security with Friendly Nations

Several training programs were organized in October for participants from the security forces of Tunisia, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, and Somalia as part of the “International Police Training Project,” implemented by Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) and the General Directorate of Security of the Republic of Turkey.

10 officers from the Tunisian National Police Corps were given the “Cybercrimes Investigation Training” in Ankara as part of the “International Police Training Project,” implemented by TİKA and the General Directorate of Security of the Republic of Turkey. The course “VIP Protection Training” was held in Kyrgyzstan from October 11 to 20, 2021 for 20 officers from the Kyrgyz National Police Force.

Furthermore, the course “Training on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism” was held in Ankara from October 25 to 28, 2021 for Serbian police officers.

In his speech during the 5-day training, attended by 8 trainees from the General Police Directorate of Serbia; Milos Jovanovic, Inspector for Combating Financial Crimes at the Criminal Police Directorate of Serbia, said, “The relations between the Turkish and Serbian police have never been better.” He added that the Training on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism gave him great confidence and that they would not be able to access such training without TİKA.

The “Coast Guard Training,” which began in Antalya in August and was held by the Coast Guard Education and Training Command of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Turkey for 9 officers from the Somalia Coast Guard, ended on October 15.

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