26 August 2021TİKA Built a Digital Technology Center for Young People in Colombia
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) built a technology and innovation center called “CreaTIC” in Barranquilla, Colombia.
Built as part of the “Program for the Development of Education Infrastructure in South America,” conducted by TİKA, the Creative Digital Technology Center (CreaTIC) is run by the Office of Economic Inclusion and Development of the Secretariat for Development at Barranquilla Municipality.
The center will carry out training activities in order to eliminate the inequalities in access to digital technologies in the city, create employment opportunities, and develop technological innovations and teach digital skills in line with economic revitalization strategies.
At the center, young people, especially those in vulnerable groups in Barranquilla, will acquire digital content production skills and be able to produce designs and prototypes in the fields of entertainment and video games, engineering, medicine, and architecture through 3D animation and 3D printing, augmented reality, and digital simulation models. TİKA will hold digital skills courses for an average of 1,200 people every year, especially young people with disabilities, victims of armed conflicts, migrants, and young parents, at the center, which is equipped with state-of-the-art devices and systems.
Jaime Pumarejo, Mayor of Barranquilla, stated that he was happy to give good news to young people in the city thanks to the partnership established with TİKA, and said, “Today, we are inaugurating CreaTIC, which has state-of-the-art 3D printing, visualization, and virtual reality equipment. At this center, we will provide digital training to more than 1200 young people every year and thus introduce them to the latest technologies. Young people can benefit from the services at this center free of charge to complete their university education or acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to earn income.”
Ricardo Plata, Secretary for Economic Development, said, “CreaTIC will enable the residents of Barranquilla to develop themselves professionally and show their creativity.”
17-year-old Mayra D., one of the young people who attend the courses at CreaTIC, expressed her happiness by saying, “We would like to thank you for teaching us digital skills and introducing us to the latest technologies through this project. For the first time, we have a center where young people like us can improve their skills and learn new things. Digital learning and development is the most necessary equipment in this new age.”
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