28 November 2023A Psychological Training Program Was Held for the Women in Afghanistan
With support from Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA), a psychological training program was held for women in Herat, Afghanistan.
Social changes happening in Afghanistan had a negative effect, especially on the psychology of women. The training program held with the support of TİKA aims to have a positive effect on women’s psychology due to the recent conditions that cause women’s psychology to be negatively affected and suicide rates to increase.
Thanks to the psychological support seminars, the attendees got educated on fighting psychological problems. Among these attendees were women who have recently become unemployed, college students, and students who could not pursue their education due to the schools being shut down. With the program, 1000 people were given psychological support in total.
Psychological support programs given by the doctors and psychologists of the Milkyway Oriental Health Institute were recorded. TİKA’s Office in Herat gave the educational videos to the TV channels to broadcast nationwide.
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