
21 September 2015

Agriculture School Project in Somalia Brings Results

In connection of Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) and IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation; Agriculture School Project in Somalia put in practice in 2012 has brought results.

Agriculture School Project in Somalia was put into practice in December 2012 by Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) and IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation in order to make provision against drought in African continent, and provide Africans notice values they have, and increase the quality of life with sustainable agricultural activities. Starting as an applied Farmer Training Course for short-time between the years of 2013-2015, the Project started to provide training as Anatolian Agricultural School as of 2014-2015 school year. The school completed its first year with 50 students. 

Within the scope of the Agricultural School Project in Somalia, one month boarding and applied trainings were organized. Totally 500 students graduated in the end of the second year. The only greenhouse in Somalia after the war became active with the project. Students of Agricultural School in Somalia gathered in the application garden of agricultural school at first light of the morning and received a practical training completely how to inseminate, water, hoe, apply medicine, harvest and collect a seed. The students received an education about latest developments in theoretical agriculture and livestock; and they found a chance to integrate practical training with theoretical one. 

150 species brought from Turkey were tested as sowing their seeds in the applied garden formed on the scope of Agricultural School in Somalia. After the tests, various new vegetables were introduced to Somalian people. After the project; cucumber, gherkin, pepper varieties, garden rocket, purslane, parsley, melon and aubergine had a part in Somalian tables.  

Although Somalia is the best geography to grow aubergine, Somalian people introduced aubergine for the first time. Somalians who saw the first aubergines growing in the school garden observed them in their hands for minutes. Now it is seen that they sell cucumbers, aubergines and other vegetables in their bazaars.
Somalia which has an agricultural potential for all geography and for harvest 3-4 times in a year from various products could not get efficiency from its lands till now. Within the scope of the Agricultural School in Somalia, 500 people from the four agricultural corners of Somalia had training in the school. Students contributed to agriculture in Somalia by growing presented vegetable seeds in their own lands. In this context, the project made a great contribution for vegetable production and consumption of Somalians.



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