09 December 2022Technical Equipment Support from TİKA to the Jewish Community Archive in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) provided technical equipment support to the archive within the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was established for the purpose of preserving 500-year-old historical documents related to the Jewish citizens, who had been settled in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Ottoman Empire’s reign, in one place.
TİKA provided technical equipment support to the archive within the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina to research into the 500-year-old history of Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to preserve the historical documents in one place.
The archive with three halls in total, which are Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Holocaust period, will serve with the hybrid method. Thus, both physical and digital copies of the historical documents will be preserved in the archive.
The opportunities needed by the archive personnel and for the studies of the researchers benefiting from the archive have been provided by the completion of the technological infrastructure of the archive through this project.
President of the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jakob Finci, Turkish Ambassador in Sarajevo, Sadık Babür Girgin, TİKA’s Coordinator in Sarajevo, Erding Işık, and President of the Jewish Community Archive in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eli Tauber attended the delivery ceremony of the project.
President of the Jewish Community Archive in Bosnia and Herzegovina Tauber stated that they would complete the comprehensive study named “The History of Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, which has never been written before, faster with the technical equipment support provided to them. The study will last 10 years and analyze the contribution of Jews, who had taken refuge in the Ottoman Empire from Spain and were later settled in Bosnia and Herzegovina and harmonized with the society in a short while, to the historical, economical, and cultural development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
President of the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina Finci thanked Türkiye and TİKA for their support.